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How my testimony prepared me for ministry. By: Rev. Lily Frazier


Now before you start to yawn, thinking, " Oh another long writing about how someone came to Christ and miraculously was a new person".... Let me tell explain something right from the gate.

I am not.. never have been.. never will be.. and never claim to be perfect.

I have sinned with the best of them, and tooted my own horn more times than I even want to admit... But you know ,,,, it wasnt real..

I mean,, it was definitely me who boasted and bragged when I did something good, and it was definitely me- who was looking for the atta-girl with the pat on the back and my cake to eat too.

But woah...... Talk about eating crow.. Yikes!

I read about the double edged sword and how my own words would come back to spite me.

And they do- with vengance..Not to tear me down mind you... But to raise the expectations to God's level for His will in my life..

I started looking at myself... really looking.... and I saw a person I did not want to be..

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So when I am asked to explain how my testimony prepared me for ministry? The only fair answer I can give is this....

I am still preparing.. Still striving ,,Still yearning to know the Lord and fulfill HIS plan for me.

Daily walking and allowing him to take control- when my stubborn nature wants to do it all myself... Boy that is a hard one to swallow.... After all- I raised two kids mostly by myself, and I worked two jobs to get through, and kept food on the table, and clothes on their back.. didn't I?

Or did I ?

Here is where My testimony comes into play... You see.... IT WASN"T ME.

IT WAS GOD.. GOD allowed the job to pay the bills.. GOD provided the earth from which our food was grown.. GOD provided the means for me to do ALL of these things... AND without His GRACE- I would have nothing.. Do nothing.. Be nothing..

Praise be to GOD that He loves me more.....Because even when I sin.. Even when I forget that HE has given ALL.. He allows me to be humbled before him and accepts my honest plea for forgiveness...AND if that weren't enough already.... He gave me the guidance of his Holy Spirit to lead and counsel me -so I can continue to stay in relationship with the father that loves me..

My testimony of coming to Christ- is a summation of who I am today.. The years God invested in me.. and the day... that heart breaking- God blessed- wonderful day- that I asked Jesus into my heart..

Every day is a choice.. A decision to trust God in the Calling He has placed upon my heart. Has it prepared me for ministry??? I simply know this.....

If God leads me to it..... He will get me through it...

I hope this is an inspiration to you... and if you find yourself in a similar place - all I can say is- It is worth every tear.. Every step and stumble.. Because it is in our very weakest moments- that we know we can trust in God who will lift us up......... Many blessings.... Rev. Lily Frazier

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