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Deacon Leadership in JGCMC

We have been blessed with an amazing church family with a heart for God.. And out of that love- a calling to serve in the church has been presented..

We will be installing a new Lay Deacon on Jan. 8th and as others may be looking to answer a call to serve in this way- I thought it imporant for all members to know what it takes to become a LAY LEADER DEACON and then if so led - an ORDAINED DEACON LEADER in our church.. So here it is:

May the Lord bless you and the Holy Spirit... Guide you in your calling to Serve as Lay or Ordained Deacon in our Church. Rev. Lily

A NOTE ABOUT DEACON LEADERSHIP: I see a need to clarify the way this works, so this is detailed. Please feel free to ask me ANY questions.

A lay leader Deacon- can begin Ordination classes after they pass the Christian Basics Course. You will be enrolled as a student at Chistian Leaders Instititute. This is FREE ACCREDITED ONLINE SEMINARY TRAINING! I will help you get it started and help you navigate the site until you are comfortable on your own.

There is a required Getting Started Class that you must take with Christian Leaders Instititute before you can take Christian Basics...The getting started class tells you about Christian Leaders Institute and the cheating policies etc. That being said- after passing the Getting Started Class you will enroll in the Christian Basics Class where You have the option to pre-test and if you pass you may opt out of the Christian Basics course all together....

We want all of our leaders to have a basic grounding of our faith and what we believe so they can properly teach others. This is a very important step in your path to Ordination and/or Service and for all of us..

We as a church will however be taking the full study as our weekly Bible Study Focus, because I feel the information is important for all of us ..

After you pass this Christian Basics Test- you can enroll in the Ordained Officiant Class ( this is a legal- Officiant Ordination through CLI) . This allows our church quality training at no cost and I belive you will be glad you made this choice. I will be your required mentor for this class. And may at any time view your progress. ( I am authorized by CLI to train in this way).

( You will then take a short class with me and we will schedule your Ordination Ceremony as an Ordained Deacon of JGCMC).

The required classes take about a year in all. Ordination classes take about 8 months to complete so this puts you well into – if not having completed-the one year of required service as Lay Deacon before your Ordination..

If you are interested in being a Lay or Ordained Deacon in our church- please let me know so we can get you started in your training. I have a Deacon handout that explains the responsibilities of Deacons in our church if you want one. Thank you for your love and faith in your calling. Rev. Lily Frazier.

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