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Tips on Maintaining a Healthy Christian Marriage

One topic I was asked to blog about is, " In my opinion, What are the 5 most important aspects of a Christian Marriage"....

First off let me just say that the only example we should ever follow comes from the word of God. And in that following of the good book as the example for our faithful marriage, we need to realize that Satan and his schems are very real and he will take any chance to break up a strong faithful bond if we let him.. That being said....

God has a plan for marriage and if we want our marriage to be strong for eternity- we also must trust in God to lead every step of that walk together...

He designed us to be loving , caring beings.. yet we are in a world where sin is around every corner.

So my focus for this discussion will be on how we can maintain the 5 most important aspects of a Christian Marriage.

The 5 for this discussion are:

Honesty, Faithfulness to each other, Faith in God, Listening to one another, and Trust.

I can only speak from my own experiences and give my honest opinion about these things.

The bible addresses many topics on marriage in the Book of Matthew. Matthew 19 talks about marriage and divorce.

The book of Galatians gives lessons in being generous and doing good, the fruits of the spirit, walking in the spirit, justification by faith,as well as rules for holy living.

I suggest if you are interested in this topic- that you go to these books to find out more.

Lets talk about honesty...

First of all.. Knowing that CLI discusses alot about marriages not being other than a man and woman and that being God's design.. I can only speak from the place I am right now.

I am a very happily married gay minister with two children, two grandchildren, and a Calling from God to share his message of Love to people..

I share this because I need to share honestly.. and not give false testimony to anyone.

In our marriage.. A Christian marriage.. My spouse and I have been together over 11 years.

We never faught or said things to make each other feel bad. We share in prayer and bible reaading discussions and do our best to serve the Lord who is the source of all blessings.

We have an open and honest relationship with each other and with God. Honesty ---

When you are honest... you never have to remember a lie...

Next is Faithfulness...

Being faithful first and foremost to our relationship with God and following his example of love for others .. Faithfulness to each other.... Our marriage is blessed by God.. God has joined our souls to inspire each other and encourage each other and support each other.. Faithfulness is a must.. If we are unfaithful in our hearts we are already committing a sin.. We are thankful to have a love and bond so strong that temptations have never led us to stray.. But- that being said- we are also aware that we live in a time where we need to be purposely and intentionally faithful to God and to each other or Satan will try to ruin what God has blessed.

Faith in God...

Without our faith in God.. we can do nothing.

Listening to one another...

It's really easy to talk to someone you love and respect. We share the events of family, friends, our concerns, our worries, and our prayers and blessings.. But when we both talk and no one listens- it allows an opportunity for mis understanding.. This leads to hurt feelings which in turn can turn into resentments.... So you can see why listening is so vital...really listening.. without thinking about the answer while the question is still being asked.. This takes effort on my part because my mind is often busy.. I need to stop. focus. listen.. and it is the same for prayer time.

I need to quiet my mind enough to listen to the God I love and the spouse I love.


These all lead to a marriage where trust is developed. Just like our relationship with God. We can trust his promises are true.. Let us not make promises to heaven we cannot keep. Trust one another. Cherish each other.. and live the plan God reveals in his word to your hearts.

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