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Hospitality in Christian Witness

We all would love to see our members grow in our local church.

It means more opportunities to share the love of God and get His Gospel message of love

and mercy to those people who might never hear it otherwise.

Well, We don't begin by banging on doors and shouting out - You are going to die and go to hell unless you listen to me!!!

That would definitely turn ME away.. I am certain it is not what someone looking for love and acceptance wants to hear either..

So , How do we get people to really hear?

To open their minds so their hearts can receive the good news we have to share with them?

The same way Jesus did for us.

Remember... He came to us in his innocent- vulnerable- infant state ...

He allowed himself to be raised up by a loving family that tought him the ways of the Jewish laws- and then He tought us the ways of GOD.

In kindness, meekness, innocence- we are most strong.. Why?

Because they are times that we are humble and real with God...

In our witness-

There are several ways that we can give of ourselves in Hospitality.

Some of these ways come natural to us if we are an extroverted personality,

but for others who are not as comfortable in one on one communications- these may

take prayer on your part or even delagating the task to someone who fist that calling best.

In our Christian Witness.. Sharing our own experiences can be very helpful to a new person seeking Christ in their own lives.. For all we know- they may only see the smiles and show-like nature and may even see us as being fake because they have not yet experienced the wonderful love of realizing where God has been in their life.. (1)So the first form of Hospitality is to be genuine.. Be real about where you have been and be joyful about where you are going because of the merciful gift of forgiveness you have been blessed with.. Let them know that their life does not end with death of the body- because the spirit continues on and returns to the Father from where it came ...

That was the basic reality of our witness, but some other ways we can show hospitality-

are to be there..

(2) Be there- Be there for someone when they need a shoulder.. It can be a life changing experience for them if you as a believer take the responsibility to witness to them at that time..

(3) Thirdly- Open up your home to offer times of bible study.. Share the good news with them over coffee, or even sending little notes to let them know that in their darkest hours- God is waiting for them to call upon his name..

(4) Offer to bring them to your church and meet fellow Christians in a way that does not seek their service- but in honest Christian Love and your serving them in that time. Take that step to being real and the example of Christ to them ( because you are the example of Christ that they will see.)

(5) Offer to watch their children, or clean their house, or do the cooking or the laundry- Give of your time.... Be Christ to them.. Be the servant.

(6) Just be there... Plant the seed of hope and love and they will want to find out where that kind of love comes from.. Unselfish and Giving. And then- you have a platform to explain the life changing ways God has touched your family and your life.

So , these are my suggestions for Hospitality.. I am sure that you can come up with many more because the needs of this world are great- and thats why we also need to be greatly inspired by the one who calls us to service in his name.. Our savior.. Jesus Christ - Our Lord..

I hope this message is a blessing to you.. In His Love.. Rev. Lily.

Little Girl with Christmas Present

The answer to how to show Hospitality then, is by acts of kindness and giving as Christ gave to us.

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