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In dealing with antagonists in the church, What do you see as the top 5-10 ways to respond and lead?


Like the picture shows. It is so easy to get lost in the day to day turmoil.. Sometimes a good look and a peaceful mind and spirit is all thats needed to see clearly the path we should take when deailing with sensitive issues in the church.

In this blog, I am going to address some of the issues, and offer some helpful suggestions on how to deal with the antagonistic views, and how to respond to them as a leader.

First of all.. Let us look at the behaviors of an antagonist who is in our church.

Acts 20: 28-29 Therefore take heed to yourselves adn to all the flock, mong wich the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.

Now this was a warning about the people who twist words to seduce disciples into following them instead of Jesus.

An Antagonist: One who is an antagonist does not just criticize or engage in healthy disputes.

There are, unfortunately those who for what ever hardship or mental illness that has not been resolved- has it in for the church.. They are known as church killers.

Their only goal to being there is to bring destruction, confusion, and discontent among the community of believers.

They will do so by lying, gossiping, being an annoyance and a presence of disruption.

Now- this is not the every day- I have problems and I need help - person.

This is a seriously ill- needs intervention now type.

What do you do if there is one in church?

(1) First and foremorst.. IF you have noticed that there may be an antagonist in the church- do not approach them directly. Identify them for who they are and the damage they can do.

It is best to go to your church leaders , who can bring the issue to the elders .

(2) The church leader can take the antagonist aside and try to resolve the issue.

(3) It may be that their last church was a bad experience and they have not given your community the chance it deserves. If you are lucky enough to have a few groups going on- perhaps one can invite the antagonist to belong to a smaller group- that is dealing with similar emotions and how the model of Christ's life is to guide us.. This also gives the leader of that group a chance to really see what the need is without exposing or embarrassing the person.

(4) Find them help... IF they are willing to sit down with a psychiatrist or professional in the field and you can make that meeting possible for them it could be life changing.

(5) You can be instrumental in their healing if you are able to get them to a place of listening.

(6) If there simply is just no way to make this person realize the disruption, it may be that they are wanting a more vocal worship time- and in that case- maybe there is a better suited place of worship for them.

(7) If it has been determined that this person simply has to go- then you can do the research and find out where another church is near to them and suggest they try another place.

(8) Simply state the rules and that the behavior will not be tollerated here.

(9) Send them on their way.. pray for them.. and pray together as a community for the church you are protecting and the church they may go to next.

It is a sad truth that because we are in service to the Lord that we are a threat to Satan.

The attacks on the church will happen.. But if we are keen to notice- we can stop the damage before the breakdown.. Before the lies make someone's marriage fall apart, or someone's trust be violated, or someones worship time be distracted.

Keep the worship time sacred to God. Thank you.. Rev. Lily.

( this blog is in progress- please check back later).. Thank you!

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