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The Faithful Sound - July 2016

The Faithful Sound July 2016

The official newsletter of

Justifying Grace Christian Ministries Church

Eph. 6:10-20 Put on the Full Armor of God

Picture from the Illustrated book of Bible Stories

(Color enhancement by Nelda Frazier)

Justifying Grace Christian Ministries Church

Open to All -In Christ!

Monthly Poem of Praise!

(Thank you Annette Bell for sharing your gift with us! )

Final Destination

As the sun appears upon the horizon

I'd sit and ponder my thoughts within;

All the things within my heart....where does it all begin?

I guess I should start by Praising God- From whom ALL blessings flow,

He is the one that give us life- with such a Masterful glow....

With all the beauty He possesses-

With just a wave of His strong hand;

It makes you very eager and excited-

To strive for the Promise Land...

Don't ever doubt or let your praise waiver-

when you're praying to the Heavenly King;

For in our words of infinite wisdom;

comes peace, love and joy- as we sing...

So here we are with my final thought-

as I sat and pondered it all;

Glory to God in the Highest!

For He's given us that special call!

Thank you Lord, For those words of praise-

That you fill us with each day..

Help us Never to forget those words-

as we open our mouths to say:

I Love you Lord, and I lift my voice-

to the Highest mountains around!

And know that I am FOREVER yours-

Because We are Heaven Bound!

By : Annette Bell

Community Prayers and Praises

Lord we pray together for:

Our Terre Haute Church Family, Our Greencastle Church Family, For the leaders of our government and nation, our military, our law enforcement agents, and our citizen protectors, and health care workers. We pray that they would look to you Lord and do what is right in your eyes. We pray for the victims in Orlando and all involved in the terrible shooting there, their families and loved ones.. Lord we pray for those who are sick and suffering in any way today- that your faithful would reach out to them in their need. We pray Lord that you would bless our church membership-growth-and future- that you God would lead the way we should go so that our church will bring you glory!

We praise you Lord for helping our church grow and for changing lives through the power of your Holy Spirit and your Word. We praise you for the gift of life and your creation that provides our needs. We praise you for our loved ones and most of all - We praise you for being there for us each and every moment of every day... May you continue to bless our church family as we faithfully worship you in Church and n our lives. In your holy name we pray.. Amen..

A Special Note about Giving of our Time and Talents …..

We want everyone to have an opportunity to share in the giving of gifts and talents that can be useful for our church growth and to God's glory.

If you have a special gift , talent, or suggestion that you feel is put upon your heart to share- please do share it! We are one people- in one body of Christ- giving Praise in our gifts and talents to God...

Church Calendar- God's Plans for us this month!


Special Announcement! Welcome Patricia Schultz to our family of believers!

Patricia gave her heart to Christ and was baptized in Glen Flint Lake on June 25th!

Welcome Patricia!!! ( she goes by the name Bubba).

Greencastle Church- We worship and study every Sunday afternoon at 2:00 for Family worship in the home of Patty Thompson (Genesis to Revelation study)

Terre Haute Church- We worship and Study every other Saturday at 2:00 at the home of Annette Bell (Revelation Study)

Communion is offered every time we gather for Church.

If you would like to join a group- let me know!

Invite a friend to join us at any time!

Reflections from Rev. Lily:

Do you ever feel so lost, that you don't even know where to look next for hope?

I know I have had moments in my life that have brought me to tears, and to my knees. Times that I never in a million years- saw myself ever getting through...

If you have had experiences like this- you sure aren't alone.. What does being broken say about our faith? Does it mean that if we are weak and sad and broken – that we are unfixable?? On our own power- Yes! But Thank Goodness we serve and worship a Loving and Caring – Compassionate Father in Heaven- who leads us up out of our pits of sadness- into new life an light..! We just need to humbly ask him to come near...

Some days it's easier than others to really (feel ) God close to us.. But that doesn't mean we are left on our own- No way! It only means that we need to turn our focus on God! He never forgets us or forsakes us... But it is because of our own attitudes and motives- times when we rely on our own way – that we feel most separated from the Lord who made us. How do we fix it?

How do we bring ourselves up out of the sadness? The anxiety? The worries of this world that are often so smothering that even the air of the spirit seems distant?

We need to do what the early Ephesian church was told to do---

Eph. 6:11-18 NIV says:

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against he spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm them, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is THE WORD OF GOD...


So church!

When we are sad and broken and lost and afraid, when we feel we are being pulled from every angle to our destruction---REMEMBER!!! WE SERVE A POWERFUL AND MIGHTY GOD- WHO DESIRES GOOD FOR US!! Let us not be discouraged and fall into the trap of despair and sin! Let us not fall in our fear to the twisting works of Satan! But Pray that the Lord our God- would rescue us, revive us, renew our faith- and fill us with his love, and his Spirit to guide us through the darkness into the newness of Life and Light with the one and only Savior!!!

Choose you each day who you will serve.....Let it be GOD! Let it be NOW!

And Let Him Be Your Forever!!

May God bless those who hear the reading of His word.

Rev. Lily.

A word about Missions !!

We are collecting items for the

Beyond Homeless Shelter in Greencastle Indiana.

See your folder for the item list- Let's fill their needs this Thanksgiving!!!! Thank you for those who have donated!

It is our mission to share the Love of Christ into the world to others! Find us on FACEBOOK:

Justifying Grace Christian Ministries Church

Check out our Website!! Contact me: 765-719-1265- leave a voice mail.

Email- or use the contact link on the website


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